Sunday, March 25, 2018

Einstein Fellowship 2019 in Humanities, Social & Natural Sciences in Germany. And the Scholarship Amount is EUR 10,000 and reimbursement of travel expenses (Approx. 8 Lakh Indian Rupee!)

Dear readers!
Good Evening!

Do you really dream of spending some quality time in Einstein’s own residency in Germany, thinking something incredible as perhaps Einstein did while he was living in the same house years ago? It sounds great, right? Then this scholarship is for you! And remember this is not only for science students, but even arts students who are bitten by an Einstein bug and who have extra brains as Einstein had can apply for it.  Your age should be under 35 to apply for this fellowship. 
Ok! If you at least dare to dream of this scholarship, what is waiting in your way is Euro 10000 which is more than of 8 Lakh Indian Rupee! Read very carefully the description below and if are planning to apply then prepare a two page proposal and send them today or tomorrow even though you have time till 15th April
If you need any kind of academic help from my side, you may ask the same in the comment box or email me at Ok, now go for it!
All the best and good luck!
Dr. Musadhique Kottaparamban

Now read about the scholarship...

About Einstein Fellowship 2019 

The Einstein Forum and the Daimler and Benz Foundation are offering a fellowship for outstanding young thinkers who wish to pursue a project in a different field from that of their previous research.

The purpose of the fellowship is to support those who, in addition to producing superb work in their area of specialization, are also open to other, interdisciplinary approaches – following the example set by Albert Einstein.


The fellowship includes living accommodations for five to six months in the garden cottage of Einstein`s own summerhouse in Caputh, Brandenburg, only a short distance away from the universities and academic institutions of Potsdam and Berlin.

The fellow will receive a stipend of EUR 10,000 and reimbursement of travel expenses.


Candidates must be under 35 and hold a university degree in the humanities, in the social sciences, or in the natural sciences.

How to apply

Applications for 2019 should include a CV, a two-page project proposal, and two letters of recommendation.

Applications can be submitted by email to

All documents must be received by April 15, 2018.


At the end of the fellowship period, the fellow will be expected to present his or her project in a public lecture at the Einstein Forum and at the Daimler and Benz Foundation.

The Einstein Fellowship is not intended for applicants who wish to complete an academic study they have already begun.

A successful application must demonstrate the quality, originality, and feasibility of the proposed project, as well as the superior intellectual development of the applicant.

It is not relevant whether the applicant has begun working toward, or currently holds, a PhD.

The proposed project need not be entirely completed during the time of the fellowship, but can be the beginning of a longer project.


For more information, call or fax the Einstein Forum at: phone: +49-331-271780 fax: +49-331-2717827.

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Ok! True! It is after a long! I am writing here..

Dear Friens,
I am planning to change the focus the blog into more of an academic one. So you can now find notifications on Conferences, Seminars and Job notification and yea, there will be definetely my writings too..

I wish all your support.